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Friday, September 27, 2013

Finally Moving Forward and Making Progress

 My appointment with the bariatric doctor went well: better than I had anticipated. The fistula is closed; the incisions that had opened are closing and no longer leaking.  Dr. Snyder removed the picc line and stopped the TPN.  

I am now allowed to drink liquids and Dr. Snyder gave me the starting diet to begin. It feels really good to be able to drink fluids again. I am no longer chocking and gaging from dry mouth and throat.

Yesterday, I drank some minestrone Progresso soup broth and it tasted wonderful. I followed my diet instructions and also drank the protein shake, but I felt sick for hours afterwards. I was so bloated and uncomfortable. I had already tested out drinking and ounce of milk with no issues, but the protein shake was still just a bit much for me. After all it has been 5 weeks since I had the surgery and not being allowed to eat or drink anything. I have decided to hold off on the protein until I am digesting the broths and milk a little better. I figure I need a least a week of my system working before I attempt to add the thick protein drink back to my diet.

I felt so well Thursday that I started my day off strong, but quickly realized I am physically not up to the task and had to rest most of the rest of the day.  I plan on taking things much easier and slower as I do not want to risk hurting myself and ending up back in the hospital.

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